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Hempcrete is a bio composite material that is made by combining woody inner cores of hemp plants (known as “hemp hurd") with lime and water. This wet-mixing process produces a building compound that can be rendered into modular units such as blocks or bricks useful for housing. Recent interest in the use of hempcretes for building insulation has been motivated by the desire to mitigate effects of climate change and to promote sustainable living and carbon capture technology. This paper attempts to provide preliminary overviews of two important mechanical properties for insulation: thermal conductivity and moisture transport through experimentations. Our findings suggest that hempcrete mixes with a 4:3:5 and 2:3:4 of hemp to lime to water mass ratio have thermal properties suitable for insulating wall and house constructions. Our study shows that the thermal conductivity was found to be 0.0674± 0.0026 W/m K. 

Article Details

Author Biography

Rachmadian Wulandana, State University of New York (SUNY) New Paltz

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering Program

SUNY New Paltz

How to Cite
Wulandana, R., Giordani, G. R., & Aguirre, J. (2025). Preliminary Assessment of Hempcretes as Insulation for Sustainable Housing . Proceedings of Indonesia Focus, 1(1). Retrieved from