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Ease of learning online, one of which can be seen from the guaranteed ease of access to the internet network, for the West Papua region the ICT Development Index (IP-TIK) is 5.19 while for Indonesia in 2019 it is 5.32 and in 2020 it is 5.59. This shows that the challenges of online lectures in terms of availability and ease of internet access are still an obstacle. The purpose of this study was to measure the level of convenience of students of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Sorong in following and understanding online lecture materials, and also measuring the relationship between perceived convenience and the level of student satisfaction with the implementation of online learning at the Faculty of Engineering. Respondents were taken from the student population of the Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of Sorong, which in this study was considered appropriate to represent the student population in West Papua Province who during the Covid-19 pandemic underwent online lectures. The research was conducted in 16 months and was divided into 3-time stages, namely April 2020, November 2020, and April-August 2021. Online data collection for data on the level of convenience of students studying online and the level of student satisfaction with online lecture management by the Faculty of Engineering using a Linkert scale of 1 -5 and the measurement data was then analyzed statistically using the Microsoft Excel application. With the opening of limited face-to-face meetings for laboratory activities and undergraduate examinations in early 2021, although lecture activities are still online because the government has not allowed face-to-face lectures, there are fluctuations in the average level of ease of learning and the level of student satisfaction. The coefficient of determination is the square of the correlation coefficient (r2). This coefficient is obtained at 0.3395 which indicates that the variable of the convenience of university students in the West Papua region in online learning has an influential contribution to the satisfaction level of 33.95% while 66.1% is determined by other variables not examined by researchers in this study. The average value of the combination of respondents' choices is 3 and 3.4, meaning that the 834 respondents on average choose quite easy to follow online learning with the average level of satisfaction being more quite satisfied.
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